Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Surging Toward Germany

Henry Delaney, one of the owners of American Athlete and (former college athlete 'mega-star') put us through the paces at the gym on Sunday, April 5. The dynamic warm-up had us prancing on our toes and shuffle-footing it from one end of the exercise room to the other. We wasted no time getting to the meat of it...a fast-paced, bicep-busting, quadricep-killing, speed-and-agility-centered powerhouse of a workout.

Who's bad-ass?

All that hard work (indoors!) on a beautiful, bluebird day made our after-the-practice picnic in the park even SWEETER:

"How many people are committed to going to Germany next summer?"
(nearly every hand went into the air)
"How many people are down with some SERIOUS fundraising between now and then?"
(again, every hand)
"So...who's got ideas?"
(lots of talking, lots of energy, lots of input!!)

It's an exciting time as we get things going! Here's what we know for sure:


  • Registration: Individual players need to register for the tournament themselves. It's 165 Euros...which tranlates to about $220US. Registration for Germany needs to happen by Oct 1 ~ so we've got about 6 months.
  • Registering yourself is your way of making a personal commitment to going. Fundraising will help us supplement (hopefully we'll be able to fully cover!) the cost of transportation, lodging, etc while we're there.
  • SO - Save Up Without Feeling The Burn: Make coffee at home this summer - have people over for drinks one night instead of going out - rent a DVD instead of going to the movies....if you can stockpile $10/wk from now until Oct 1 you'll have saved your Registration Fee! Easy-peasy!


  • The team will plan fun, social fundraising events that will help us raise $$ for our tournament travel and international play WHILE promoting good community services.
  • Meaning, we'll do some good for the world AT THE SAME TIME as we're rai$ing money for our team!
  • The entire team needs to be involved ~ the more, the merrier. (Plus you gotta work for your $$, sorry no free rides!)
  • We talked about a lot of ideas: events where we increase our team's visibility (like a booth at Pride), events where we're actively campaigning for $ (such as showing up at The Rose on Apr 22 [we have a bye that night, so plan on karaoke instead!] in our jerseys for karaoke and making it a fun fun fun awareness- and $-raising event, like parking cars at Husky games on Saturdays this fall, like promoting "Surge" drink specials at a bar [in conjunction with Sounders games!] to raise the dough, etc), and events where we're partnering with non-profits and other organizations that can use our help - which means donating some time ladies. Time.
  • Asking for money is easier to do when you're also giving back....
  • We'll probably be doing events at least 2 times per month ~ so make room in your social schedules, Surgers...because we estimate it's gonna take several thousand dollars per person to make our Germany tournament a reality.
Let's keep our Spring record in the winner's bracket: so far we're 2 wins, 1 tie, 0 losses....woot.

1 comment:

  1. Yes... I was a collegiate "mega star" - all of you ladies did a great job, it was good to have the opportunity to work with you
